[Salon] UK and Canada say they will send heavy tanks to Ukraine


The material in this 8-minute interview that I gave to Iran’s Press TV last night largely repeats the analysis of the prospective heavy arms delivery that I posted a day ago. It will appeal to thise who prefer to take their news on the screen rather than as text.

To be sure, there are in this broadcast some new reflections on the symbolism of the Western commitment to send offensive weapons to Kiev at the very moment when it appears that the Ukrainians have lost the war and may be facing capitulation in a matter of weeks. 

This apparent illogic may well have an explanation in line with what some “dissident” commentators have suggested, namely that the United States is about to reach out to the Russians and propose an immediate cease-fire and Korean-type settlement that would be highly advantageous to the Russians given the present disposition of forces on the ground and yet would save for the Ukrainians some kind of rump state that could be called sovereign and could receive the future Western arms deliveries under conditions of its remaining neutral and outside of NATO.   We shall see very soon whether these dissident optimists are correct or whether, as appears to be the case, the leaders of the Western world have taken leave of their senses and totally abandoned realism in their pursuit of ideological warfare and preservation of the U.S. global hegemony..

©Gilbert Doctorow, 2023

UK and Canada say they will send heavy tanks to Ukraine

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